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riot games | valorant esports: why watch champions

Riot Games | VALORANT Esports: Why Watch Champions?


Why watch Champions? Simple. To be a Champion.

For the biggest event of the VALORANT esports, we enlisted some key faces of sport and game ecosystem to explain why VALORANT players and fans should to tune in to VALORANT Champions. Our key message was that in watching Champions, the audience can mirror the pro gameplay, strategies, style and personality to up level their own play within VALORANT.

We created a dynamic live-action spot to accomplish this by utilizing a combination of pros, on-air talent, fans, streamers and VALORANT agents – shot across 5 countries and in 7 different languages – each breaking the 4th wall to explain directly to audience why they should be watching.



Community Reaction

Film: Made in partnership with Good Boy Creative.

Music:Move Slow” by One True God.