VCT_RoadToChampions_YT.2022-10-03 15_06_49.gif

riot games | valorant esports: hit different

Riot Games | VALORANT Esports: Hit Different


That’s what Champions do: hit different.

This is it. All roads lead to Champions. Now teams must turn doubters into believers. Who will cement their legacy as the best VALORANT team in the world?

For the final day leading up to the start of VALORANT Champions 2022, we created a classic sports manifesto film – with a twist. To get our audience to engage with and tune in to Champions, we retold the key narrative arcs of the ‘22 season as a motivational video-turn-ultimate gameplay showcase, reminding them what makes VALORANT Esports compelling and exciting.


Editing & Animation

We developed two distinct visual languages through animation and editing styles to set our two film chapters apart. For the first chapter, we utilized fluid animation over archival footage from the ‘22 season. We then switched to kinetic typography and animation paired with a dynamic editing style that we enlisted fan editors within the VCT community to help create.


Community Reaction

Film: Made in partnership with ROSEWOOD Creative

Music: Lejja Beats & Joel Bear Ross

Gameplay Editors: DaMoves & Divorce